Abdel-Fattah HMM
Background and Objective: In Egypt, as a result of the noticeable rise in divorce rates and the increase in the number of divorce children in a way that represents a danger to the public future, and because of the Personal Status Law that deprives the father of hosting or cohabitation or sharing custody with his children after the divorce. Methods: information was collected about the extent of the impact of the deprivation and absence of the father on the children of divorce from previous research And the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics and the Egyptian government portal. Results: The data and results revealed that because of this random and unscientific law, these children are exposed to a great danger at all levels of development, which constitutes a major disaster. Conclusion: The results indicate the urgent need for rapid legislative amendments aimed at implementing the shared care system and its owners And the father’s hosting and coexistence with his children for the healthy development children of divorce in Egypt, in order to preserve the strength of the fabric of society and the solidity of the Egyptian state.
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